October 2012

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Chris Weber
National Sales Manager
Machine Tool Division

US Manufacturing is Alive and Well
as Evidenced at IMTS 2012

By Chris Weber

If you recall going into the 2008 IMTS, everyone was optimistic and full of enthusiasm regarding the general state of the US economy and manufacturing, specifically. Well, coming out of that show, we all had a completely different picture and shortly thereafter the sky fell.

So going into 2012 IMTS the big question on everyone's mind was, "What's next?" If attendance and interest level are any indication, the future looks very bright for US manufacturing. In the HEIDENHAIN booth we experienced very brisk traffic, and unlike in some other years, people were there on a mission! Whether they had new applications in hand, requirements for performance enhancements or an interest how technology on a new machine could improve their production process, the predominant mood was optimistic and enthusiastic.

I like to think that the increase in booth traffic was also due to our new product introductions. These included the TNC 640 milling / turning control, dual communication touch probes, LC scales and the next generation Acu-Rite MILLPWR G2 control, to name a few.

I want to thank everyone who stopped by our booth to visit us and invite you all to become a HEIDENHAIN Insider by visiting us at www.heidenhain.us.

Let's hope that the interest, enthusiasm and optimism we experienced at the show continues through the 4th quarter and into the new year. A strong manufacturing base will certainly help drive the economy forward with your help.


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